Virginia Solar Panel Guide: Optimizing Home Energy

Virginia shines with solar potential, and embracing this abundant resource through solar panel installation is both a sustainable and economically wise decision for homeowners. This detailed guide will illuminate the path to harnessing solar energy in the Commonwealth, ensuring you’re well-equipped for a bright, solar-powered future. Navigating the Basics of Solar Installation Before diving into […]

Guide to Roof Requirements for Solar Panel Installation

When it comes to solar panel installation, the roof under the panels plays a crucial role in the overall success and longevity of the solar energy system. Kilo Hollow Energy, a prominent solar solutions provider in Virginia, emphasizes the significance of meeting specific roof requirements to ensure efficient and sustainable rooftop solar installations. Understanding Roof […]

Exploring Solar Energy: Key Advantages and Disadvantages

A Kilo Hollow Energy van and a ground solar array.

Solar energy stands at the forefront of renewable energy solutions in Virginia, offering a beacon of hope for those seeking sustainable and cost-effective alternatives to traditional energy sources. As the demand for cleaner energy grows amidst increasing environmental concerns, solar power emerges as a key player in the energy transition. This article explores the myriad […]

Unleashing Solar Power with Sol-Ark Inverters

In the quest for harnessing clean and renewable energy, solar power has emerged as a game-changer, offering eco-friendly solutions to power our homes and businesses. As solar energy becomes increasingly popular, innovative technologies have revolutionized the way we generate and utilize this abundant resource. Among these advancements, Sol-Ark inverters stand out as cutting-edge devices that […]

Harnessing the Power of Smart Electrical Panels with SPAN

In the pursuit of a greener and more sustainable future, solar energy has emerged as a game-changer in the energy landscape. As the demand for solar installations rises, so does the need for advanced technologies that optimize energy usage. At Kilo Hollow Energy, we take pride in being a SPAN Certified Installer, empowering homeowners and […]

All You Need to Know About our Batteries

Luxurious new construction home in western virginia

Why You Might Consider a Battery If you experience a power outage that appears like it will last for a long time, you will require backup power from a battery system or battery backup unit. You may use an air-cooled home generator powered by gasoline or propane to keep your lights on for a few […]

Emergency Generators: Everything You Need to Know

generac Home Standby Generators

A few-hour power outage is usually little more than an annoyance, necessitating the use of flashlights and a little patience. However, when a large storm knocks out power for days, living without a generator may quickly turn dismal. Food spoils, mold develops, and flood-prone basements lose their operating sump pump and begin to fill with […]

Do Solar Panels Increase Property Value?

Beautiful Home Exterior at Night

Solar panels can be incredibly cost-effective and have a positive impact on the environment all the while powering your home. There are many advantages to owning solar panels. You may not be aware that having solar panels on your property can cause your property value to increase. In fact, your property value will increase with […]